[BITS AND PIECES NR. 378] (DE, c.1920)
The only known surviving non-fiction footage of Ellen Richter is contained in this unidentified fragment from the Messter-Woche newsreel series, which was produced by German film pioneer Oskar Messter between 1914 and 1922. Richter is among the line-up of elegantly dressed actresses (all largely forgotten today) who take turns posing for the camera. Judging from the subject matter and title design, the footage probably originates from the item Bühnenkünstler im Dienste der Mode (Stage Performers at the Service of Fashion), featured in newsreel issue Number 31 from August 1920.
It was preserved in the 1990s by the Amsterdam archive as part of a series of unidentified fragments under the assigned collective title Bits and Pieces. – Oliver Hanley
[BITS AND PIECES NR. 378] (DE, c.1920)
cast: Else Berna, Molly Wessely, Ellen Richter, Irmgard Bern, Ilse Eilers, Mary Zimmermann.
copia/copy: DCP, 1’38”; did./titles: GER.
fonte/source: Eye Filmmuseum, Amsterdam.