Books and Journals, Collectibles and Ephemera, Old and New.
Set up on the first floor of the Teatro Verdi, it has become a true rendezvous point for collectors, enthusiasts and curious guests. On display you shall find books, DVDs, journals, collectables and our Pordenone Silent merchandise.
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“Qu'est-ce que le cinéma?”
by Germaine Dulac (Light Cone Editions, 2019)
A presentation by Clément Lafite and Tami Williams
(English only)
"Immagine, Note di Storia del Cinema, n. 17-18"
Rivista dell'Associazione Italiana per le Ricerche di Storia del Cinema (AIRSC) (Persiani Editore)
Intervengono Silvio Alovisio e Luca Mazzei
(Italian only)
“La morte che assolve”
Fondazione Cineteca Nazionale (DVD, 2019)
Interviene Frida Bonatti
(Italian only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Vini La Delizia
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“Il giorno e la notte, dal vedutismo al cinema muto”
di Carlo Montanaro e Giancarlo Pauletto (CICP, 2019)
alla presenza degli autori
(Italian only)
“Dall'argento al pixel. Storia della tecnica del cinema”
di Carlo Montanaro (John Libbey Publishing, 2019)
alla presenza dell'autore
(Italian only)
“Appunti corsari: cinema, film, autori e altro ancora”
di Andrea Crozzoli (Marsilio Editore, 2019)
Alla presenza dell’autore e Alessandro Mezzena Lona
(Italian only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Tenute Tomasella
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“The Translation of Films, 1900-1950”
curated by Carol O'Sullivan and Jean-François Cornu (Oxford University Press, 2019)
In the presence of the curators and the authors Charles Barr, Thomas Christensen and Dominique Moustacchi
(English only)
“Clarence Brown: Hollywood's Forgotten Master”
by Gwenda Young (University Press of Kentucky, 2018)
In the presence of the author
(English only)
“Our Family Album”
by Charles Musser (John Libbey Publishing, 2019)
In the presence of the author, John Libbey and Vanessa Toulmin
(English only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Borgo Veritas
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“Silent Cinema A Guide to Study, Research and Curatorship”
by Paolo Cherchi Usai (British Film Institute, 2019)
In the presence of the author
(English only)
“The Art of Film Projection: A Beginner's Guide”
by Paolo Cherchi Usai, Spencer Christiano, Catherine A. Surowiec, Timothy J. Wagner (George Eastman Museum, 2019)
In the presence of the author Paolo Cherchi Usai
(English only)
“Polidor e Polidor”
di Marco Giusti (Cineteca di Bologna, 2019)
Alla presenza dell’autore
(Italian only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Vigna Belvedere
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“Prince of Drones: The Reginald Denny Story”
by Kimberly Pucci (BearManor Media, 2019)
In the presence of the author
(English only)
A presentation of the 9 silent films newly distributed on DVD by Flicker Alley
A presentation by Jeffery Masino (Flicker Alley president)
(English only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Azienda Agricola Vicentini Orgnani
6:00 pm - Teatro Verdi 2nd floor
“El Automóvil Gris”
by Enrique Rosas, 1919 (Cineteca Nacional México - Blu-ray, 2018)
A presentation by Josè Maria Serralde Ruiz
(English only)
"Theater-Kino-Varieté nella Prima guerra mondiale. L'industria dell'intrattenimento in una città al fronte: Trieste 1914-1918”
di Fabiana Licciardi (Edizioni Università di Trieste, 2019)
Alla presenza dell’autrice
(Italian only)
Wine tasting at the theatre's first floor offered by
Pitars, vigneti di famiglia in Friuli