Not only cinema is on the menu for the Giornate’s guests who, for the fourth consecutive year, have the opportunity to join three excursions dedicated to the artistic and architectural treasures of Friuli Venezia Giulia:

1. Pomponio Amalteo, Friulian Renaissance master
Tuesday 8th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm

Departure from Piazzale Ellero (next to Hotel Minerva) at 9am
Fee: € 28
2. The green middlelands: Pedemontana through history, architecture and nature
organised by Giais on the Rock
Friday 11th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm
Departure from Piazzale Ellero (next to Hotel Minerva) at 9am
Fee: € 35
3. Archivio Cinema FVG, Cineteca del Friuli and Gemona's cathedral
Saturday 12th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm
Departure from Piazzale Ellero (next to Hotel Minerva) at 9am

Fee: € 28

Book now! Please note that you will be able to pay at the Giornate’s Infodesk in cash only.


1. Pomponio Amalteo, Friulian Renaissance master
A tour dedicated to the discovery of the art of painter Pomponio Amalteo that will include the Duomo dei Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia and the Cappella della confraternita di S. Maria dei Battuti in San Vito al Tagliamento, the Cappella della confraternita di S. Maria delle Grazie in Prodolone, the Duomo SS. Corpo di Cristo in Valvasone and the Chiesa di San Martino vescovo di Tours in San Martino al Tagliamento.

The price also includes a full lunch comprising of starters, main courses, desert (drinks and coffee included), at a typical Friulian restaurant. During the tour, a wine tasting will be hosted at the Pitars Winery in San Martino al Tagliamento.
Tuesday 8th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm
The tour will initially take our guests to the churches on the right of the Tagliamento where Pomponio Amalteo (Motta di Livenza 1505; San Vito al Tagliamento 1588), one of the most important painters of Sixteenth-century Friuli, left many splendid frescoes, testimony to the excellence he achieved in this art. Professor Fabio Metz, one of the most eminent scholars of Amalteo, will be the tour’s special guide.
Belonging to a rather wealthy family, Amalteo’s career, as well as being based on undisputed artistic and organisational skills, could count on the support of influential relatives, men of the church and of letters, and on the training with the most illustrious painter of the time, Giovanni Antonio de' Sacchis known as il Pordenone (1483-1539), whose daughter Graziosa he married in 1534.
The itinerary proposed includes only some of the churches frescoed by Pomponio Amalteo, which we find along the river Tagliamento, and yet they still allow us to fully admire his pictorial art: the Duomo dei Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia and the Cappella della confraternita di S. Maria dei Battuti in San Vito al Tagliamento, the Cappella della confraternita di S. Maria delle Grazie in Prodolone, the Duomo SS. Corpo di Cristo in Valvasone and the Chiesa di San Martino vescovo di Tours in San Martino al Tagliamento.
The price also includes a full lunch comprising of starters, main courses, desert (drinks and coffee included), at a typical Friulian restaurant. During the tour, a wine tasting will be hosted at the Pitars Winery in San Martino al Tagliamento.
Book now! Please note that you will be able to pay at the Giornate’s Infodesk in cash only.


2. The green middlelands: Pedemontana through history, architecture and nature
A tour dedicated to the discovery of the hidden treasures of Polcenigo, Aviano and Maniago, towns in the heart of Pedemontana, a strip of land caught between the Carnic Pre-Alps and the Pordenone plain. The price includes lunch at a typical Friulian restaurant.

Friday 11th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm
The tour will start by wandering through Polcenigo’s old town, awarded as one of the most beautiful in Italy by Borghi più belli d’Italia. In the historical downtown, with its square, its bridge over the Livenza and its adjacent alleys, guests will be able to visit all the characteristic elements of an old “borgo” such as the castle, two mediaeval churches, the Fifteenth-century convent, a water mill, the mansion and its garden. Of particular interest is also the exhibition of objects from the last century at the museum of the culinary art.
The tour then continues in Aviano, the town with the longest-lived folkloric group in Europe and that is often remembered abroad as the birthplace of Father Marco, the hero of the Ottoman defeat in Vienna. Here guests will visit the cathedral and the ancient baptistery, and admire the architecture of Palazzo Carraro Menegozzi and its internal Seventeenth-century frescoes, recently restored. In addition, guests will enjoy the gipsoteca with Pitter’s works, an artist-engineer who, in the early ‘900, gave electricity to the pedemontana region thanks to his wonderful hydraulic work.
After a lunch with local specialties, the tour will move on to Maniago, the town of the knife, famous worldwide thanks to the handcrafted creations of its master knife makers. In the admirable interactive museum, our guests will learn about works that have become famous gifts and valuable items in international collections. The tour ends with a stroll in the stunning Maniago’s square.
Book now! Please note that you will be able to pay at the Giornate’s Infodesk in cash only.


3. Archivio Cinema FVG, Cineteca del Friuli and Gemona's cathedral
The tour will take our guests to Gemona del Friuli for a guided visit of the Archivio Cinema del Friuli Venezia Giulia, the headquarters of the Cineteca del Friuli and the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta. At the end of the tour there will be the opportunity to taste some typical Friulian products.

Saturday 12th October 2019, from 9am to 4pm
For this third excursion, our guests will reach Gemona del Friuli for a guided tour of the Archivio Cinema del Friuli Venezia Giulia, the headquarters of Cineteca del Friuli and the Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta.
Member of the International Federation of Film Archives (FIAF) and of the Association des Cinémathèques Européennes (ACE), the Cineteca del Friuli was founded in 1977 and since 1982 it organises the Pordenone Silent Film Festival in collaboration with Cinemazero. After having been legally recognised in 2006 as a regional reference point for the recovery, conservation, restoration and promotion of film and audiovisual heritage, in 2008, thanks to a major investment by the Friuli Venezia Giulia county, the Cineteca was equipped with a state-of-the-art, air-conditioned archive, the Archivio Cinema, where over twenty thousand films are kept and where, since 2013, a digital laboratory is also active. This will be the first stop of the tour.
Moving then to Gemona’s old town, our guests will visit the beautiful headquarters of the Cineteca del Friuli, the Fifteenth-century Palazzo Gurisatti, where they will find a large specialised library with twenty-five thousand volumes, a newspaper library with historical and current magazines ad a videotheque. Opposite, leaning against the mountain side, the Romanesque-Gothic Duomo di Santa Maria Assunta is an architectural jewel and one of the most important mediaeval religious monuments in the region. Rich in works of art, it is striking for its unique facade on which the splendid central rose window and the two side ones, the Gallery of the Wise Men with trilobed arches and, next to the Romanesque portal, the colossal statue, 7 meters high, of St. Christopher, stand out. Like Palazzo Gurisatti and the entire city, the Duomo was seriously damaged by the 1976 earthquake and saved by a daring structural recovery and artistic restoration. The nearby bell tower, then completely collapsed, was rebuilt "stone by stone". Visitors will be accompanied by Mauro Vale, historian of Gemona and witness to the restoration of the Duomo.
The price also includes a full lunch comprising of starters, main courses, desert (drinks and coffee included), at a typical Friulian restaurant, scheduled at 4pm.
Book now! Please note that you will be able to pay at the Giornate’s Infodesk in cash only.


If you’re interested in more than one itinerary, please send a form for each option.

SEE YOU IN 2020!