8:30 pm - Opening Event
THE KID  (US 1921, 60')
by and with Charles Chaplin and with Jackie Coogan and Edna Purviance
Score: Charles Chaplin
Performed live by: Orchestra San Marco, Pordenone
Conductor: Timothy Brock

The Kid stands alone among Chaplin’s films as his most direct and personal response to his own childhood traumas of separation from his mother, and abandonment to the custody of constitutionally inhuman public authorities. He did not deny the autobiographical element, and even acknowledged that the set of the attic which is home to the Tramp and his adopted Kid is based on memories of the garrets of his own London childhood. The role of the Kid is taken over by Jackie Coogan, who was in his fifth year when Chaplin first saw him as part of his parents’ vaudeville eccentric dance act, performing a virtuoso shimmy in imitation of his father. Chaplin was enchanted, and even more delighted when he met the child in person and discovered his extraordinary gift for mimicry – a normal element of the infant learning process, but in Jackie’s case phenomenally developed. Chaplin had found his perfect actor: someone who could assimilate, embody, and reproduce his own performance!
Photo: The Kid © Roy Export S.A.S

10:15 pm - Scandinavian Adverts
REX HVAD DIOGENES SØKTE OG FANDT [Rex, What Diogenes Sought and Found] (NO 1923; 25’)
by Trygve Dalseg

KAL NAPOLEON KALSSONS BONDTUR ELLER EN VANDRING I STOCKHOLMS LUSTGÅRDAR [Kal Napoleon Kalsson’s Stroke of Luck, or, Wandering through the Pleasure Gardens of Stockholm] (SE 1915; 22’)
by Maria Ekman

[TRITON TVÄTTPULVER] [Triton Washing Powder] (SE 1923, 16’)
Pianoforte: John Sweeney

Three films make up the festival focus on advertisements in the time of silent cinema: this year’s selection is based on archival footage from the National Library of Norway (Nasjonalbiblioteket) and the Swedish Film Institute (Svenska Filministitutet). In the first film, Diogenes' wanderings end in Oslo, where the modern woman of his vision introduces him to the margarine Rex. The search is over: finally Diogenes has found happiness! The second is the oldest Swedish film that can officially be considered an advertisement, specifically imagined for the sale of a variety of products. The third is a hilarious laundry competition between two maids working for two neighbouring families, and is aimed to convince the audience of the superiority of Triton detergent over all other brands.